Job Descriptions: Why They Are Failing and How to Fix Them


Are your job descriptions engaging candidates, or alienating them? Find out in this recap of our July 29 episode of Talent Experience Live, as guest speaker Amit Parmar, CEO and founder of Cliquify, shared tips on revamping your approach to posting jobs.

“In my experience, I think the way jobs are posted and advertised is a very underestimated step in the process,” Parmar said.

Parmar, who has been a TA leader for companies like IBM and Deloitte, developed Cliquify to help employers easily build and publish visually engaging, inclusive job posts on social media platforms. It’s an ideal way to reach job seekers where they are: on their phones, as seven in 10 Americans use at least one social media site.

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Chris Russell

Chris Russell

Recruiting technology analyst and content creator.