Repurposing Content to Elevate Your Recruitment Marketing Strategy

Recruitment marketing strategy

It is impressive to see how resourceful and creative leaders in the Talent Acquisition, Employer Branding, and Recruitment Marketing space can be. Despite having experienced budget cuts and decreases in headcount in recent years, these departments are still being held accountable for achieving ambitious goals. According to Cliquify’s 2024 Report on Employer Brand Priorities and Budgets, “headcount and budget constraints continue to be a challenge. 58% of the survey respondents plan to keep the budget the same as 2023. 27% plan to increase their budgets.”

So, what can people in the Recruitment Marketing space do to accomplish their goals in this environment? When resources are limited, it’s important to remember the power of repurposing the assets that you already possess. Each piece of content, whether it is a webinar, blog post, or employee testimonial, has inherent value that can be leveraged to maximize its impact. Rather than treating each asset as a standalone piece, consider reshaping, reformatting, and strategically deploying these assets to achieve your objectives.

To help you get started, here are a few examples of assets you may already have at your disposal that you can repurpose in the year ahead.

1: Webinars and Videos

Transforming a webinar or a premium video into various formats, such as bite-sized video clips, infographics, or podcasts, allows you to reach a broader audience. These condensed versions can be shared across different platforms and capture the attention of diverse audiences, who are interested in the stories you are sharing.

2: Blog Posts and Articles

Repurposing blog posts and articles can help build your content calendar. Not only can you update and republish existing content, but you can also extract key points to create visually appealing and shareable social posts that will drive traffic back to your careers page.

3: Employee Testimonials and Reviews 

Employee testimonials and reviews humanize your brand and provide a unique and authentic perspective. You can transform these testimonials into visually appealing graphics for social media and incorporate them into your recruitment materials.

4: Current Partnership Assets 

Do your current employer brand and recruitment marketing partners have any free assets for you to leverage? At Fairygodboss, we provide partnership toolkits to all of our clients. These toolkits contain a collection of free and customizable collateral that our clients can use to promote their commitment to advancing equity and hiring more women. These premade assets are designed to help remind your community of your dedication to these important goals — and they can be repurposed year after year! 

By unlocking the potential of existing content, you can create dynamic, cost-effective, and impactful campaigns that resonate with your target audience. So, dust off those webinars, revisit those blog posts, and let the power of repurposing elevate your recruitment marketing strategies.

Gabi Carachilo

Gabi Carachilo

Gabi Carachilo serves as the Senior Manager of Recruitment Marketing and Customer Success at The Muse x Fairygodboss. With over a decade of experience, Gabi has led various facets of marketing and talent acquisition - encompassing employer branding, recruitment marketing, and internal communications.

Gabi is a graduate of Niagara University, where she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and a Master’s degree in Business Administration. She is a certified Professional in Human Resources (PHR®) and actively participates in her company’s Employee Resource Group (ERG). As a passionate advocate for women’s empowerment and career development, she is dedicated to helping women achieve their career goals.