Calculating Employer Brand ROI for the C-suite


One area where employer brand practitioners across the world can often unite is in the difficulty in calculating employer brand ROI for the C-suite For employer brand activities, not everything that matters can be easily quantified. That doesn’t diminish the value of investment, however, because a strong employer brand can directly be linked to overall financial performance and results, including increased productivity, enhanced brand reputation, and reduced recruiting expenses. In this podcast, Ben Phillips talks about how to calculate and articulate the ROI to gain leadership support and secure ongoing investment.

Check out Ben Phillips on LinkedIn where he shares various topics including ROI calculation.

Related articles:

Making the Case for Employer Branding Investment

LinkedIn webinar – How to Measure the ROI of Your Employer Branding

Glassdoor – Employer Branding 101: Why, How and Proven ROI

Sondra Dryer

Sondra Dryer

Sondra is the Chief Marketing Officer of Cliquify, an employer brand activation platform. Sondra has more than 15 years of experience leading employer brand and talent attraction strategies across multiple industries and geographies.